Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ashley and Derek

I loved how beautiful the fall colors were to do this shoot. I had a lot of fun thinking about the things we could do with these two since he is 6 foot 7 and she is about 5’5”. I look forward to many more shoots with this lucky couple.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Beard Family


I told him I was going to get him and he decided to get me instead! Below is his silly face.


I know this little gals mom didn’t think she was in the picture but I just love a good moment and the way she is looking at the little girl is with eyes of love and I just couldn’t leave it out.

These two kids have the best smiles ever.


Thank you Beard family for allowing me to photograph your family.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Justin and Crystal Wedding

Never in my life have I met a bride who didn’t worry about dragging her dress in the dirt or sitting where ever until I met Crystal. Let me tell you she is the best sport anyone could be lucky enough to photograph. This was a beautiful wedding that took place up in the hills with a camp out to follow. They are such a good looking couple and I was honored to take some photos for them. Enjoy
Justin and Crystal (165)082012Cake Justin and Crystal (18)Cake Justin and Crystal (27)Justin and Crystal (145)082012swag tree (9)swag tree (21)swag tree (24) 2swag tree (30) 1swag tree (31)

Friday, July 13, 2012

July 2012 Special Savings

July spectacular savings! For the month of July No Session fees with a minimum print order of $65 and within 30 miles of Rigby. Any type of session (excluding weddings) and time limit of 1/2 hr. Family sessions can only be up to 6 people each extra person add $5 and 10 min. At least 10 images to choose from. This will replace the "My cost is your gain" mini sessions resulting from the dropped camera, which is now fixed and working beautiful. Check out print prices  under the investment tab and feel free to call me at 709 6557 choose from this offer or 10% off any package that is also listed under the investment tab. $65 to be paid at time of session and will be credited towards prints. If choosing a package instead then that package price less 10% will need to be paid at time of session.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Marshall Family


Thomson Family

Here’s the Thomson family at my newest favorite location. My plan was to use this spot for my upcoming mini sessions but they may be putting horses back in the pasture, so it will have to be on a daily basis based on whether or not the horses are there. So if you like this location be prepared to use it right away or have to wait depending on the owners…
